In view of the quality of things deciding water quality, and also the good selection of variables used to describe the standing of water bodies in quantitative terms, it’s tough to provide an easy definition of water quality. What is more, our understanding of water quality has evolved over the past century with the growth of water use needs and the ability to measure and interpret water characteristics.

QUALITY of the aquatic environment will be outlined as

  1. Set of concentrations, specifications, as well as physical partitions of inorganic or organic substances.
  2. Composition as well as state of aquatic accumulation within the water body.
  3. Description of temporal & spatial variations because of factors internal as well as external to the water body.

POLLUTION of the aquatic environment will be outlined as an introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy that lead to such harmful effects as:

  1. Harm caused to living resources,
  2. Hazards caused to human health,
  3. Hindrance caused to aquatic activities together with fishing,
  4. Impairment of water quality with relation to its use in agricultural, industrial and sometimes economic activities, and
  5. Reduction of amenities

The physical and chemical quality of pristine waters would unremarkably be as occurred in pre-human times, i.e. with no signs of anthropogenic impacts. The natural concentrations could, all the same, vary by one or additional orders of magnitude between completely different drainage basins.

In practice, pristine waters are quite tough to seek out as a result of atmospherical transport of contaminants and their subsequent deposition in locations way distant from their origin.

Prior to pristine waters reaching the contaminated condition, two phases of water quality degradation occurs. Water quality problems have arisen because of the subsequent phases of activities.

The first phase shows an alteration in water quality with proof of human impact however without any damage to the accumulation or restriction of water use. Such changes could solely be detectable by continual chemical measurements over very long time spans.

The second phase consists of some degradation of water quality and attainable restriction of specific water uses because recommended water quality pointers (local, regional, or global) could also be exceeded. Once most acceptable concentrations for selected variables in regard to water use are exceeded, or the aquatic habitat and biota are markedly modified, the water quality is typically outlined as contaminated.

Description of the quality of the aquatic environment can be carried out in an exceeding sort of way. It will be achieved either through quantitative measurements, like chemical science determinations (in the water, particulate material, or biological tissues) and biochemical/biological tests (BOD measuring, toxicity tests, etc.), or through semi-quantitative and qualitative descriptions like organic phenomenon indices, visual aspects, species inventories, odour, etc.

These determinations are carried out in the field and within the laboratory and produce varied types of information that lend themselves to completely different interpretive techniques. The terms monitoring and assessment are often confused and used synonymously.

Water quality ASSESSMENT will be defined as the overall method of analysis of the physical, chemical, and biological nature of water in regard to natural quality, human effects and supposed uses, significantly uses which can have an effect on human health and also the health of the aquatic system itself.

Water quality monitoring will be defined as the actual assortment of knowledge at set locations and at regular intervals so as to supply the info which can be used to outline current conditions, establish trends, etc.

Water quality assessment includes the employment of monitoring to outline the condition of the water, to provide the premise for detecting trends, and to supply the data enabling the establishment of cause-effect relationships. Vital aspects of an assessment square measure the interpretation and reporting of the results of monitoring and also the creating of recommendations for future actions.

Therefore there’s a logical sequence consisting of 3 components: Monitoring, followed by an assessment, followed by management. In addition, there is a feedback loop as a result of management inevitably requires compliance monitoring to enforce regulations, and also assessments at periodic intervals to verify the effectiveness of management decisions.

The principal objective of the world fresh quality monitoring project provides an illustrative example of the complexity of the assessment task and its relation to management :

  1. To supply water quality assessments to governments, the scientific community and the public, on the standard of the world’s freshwater relative to human and aquatic ecosystem health, and international environmental issues, specifically:
  2. To outline the standing of water quality;
  3. To spot and quantify trends in water quality;
  4. To outline the explanation for determining conditions and trends;
  5. To spot the categories of water quality issues that occur in specific geographical areas;


  1. To supply the accumulated data and assessments in a form that resource management and regulatory agencies can use to gauge alternatives and create necessary selections.